Devastating Hammer {Elite} - Hammer Attack
If Devastating Hammer hits, your target is knocked down and suffers from weakness for 5-17 seconds.
Crushing Blow - Hammer Attack
If this attack hits, you strike for 1-16 more damage. If you hit a knocked-down enemy, you inflict a deep wound, lowering your target's maximum health by 20% for 5-17 seconds.
Heavy Blow - Hammer Attack
Lose all adrenaline. If this attack hits a foe suffering from weakness, that foe is knocked down and you strike for 1-24 more damage.
Warrior's Cunning - Skill
For 5-10 seconds your melee attacks cannot be blocked or evaded.
Frenzy - Stance
For 8 seconds, you attack 33% faster, but take double damage.
Glyph of Lesser Energy - Glyph - 5 mana
Your next spell costs 15 less Energy to cast.
Stoning - Spell - 15 mana
You send a flurry of stones at target foe. The stones strike for 20-76 Earth damage if they hit. If Stoning hits a foe suffering form Weakness, that foe is knocked down.
Res sig
1. buff with frenzy when you are right infront of your target and when you are full charged of adrenaline
2. frenzy speed up your attack speed which allow you to add extra hits in the middle of knockdowns. And do this combo. Devastating Hammer(knockdown) > Crushing Blow > regular attack > Heavy Blow(knockdown) > regular attack > regular attack > Stoning(knockdown) > regular attack > regular attack > regular attack.
if you want to see dmg it's dmg, this is how it is against casters and rangers. 50(knockdown) > 100(deep wound if target has 500hp)+70 > 50 > 80(knockdown) > 50 > 50 > 65(knockdown) > 50 > 50 > 50. All connect perfectly and your target can not move at all.